Tuesday 22 August 2017

Website Design Companies & The Vital Questions Regarding Mobile Development

By Arthur Williams

In this day and age, building websites for mobile platforms is essential. Reputable website design companies across the board can agree, seeing as how tablets and especially smartphones have become common tools for Internet access. Mobile development matters, but there are a few things that you may not know about it. These are some of the vital questions that will help you develop a better understanding of this endeavor.

"When did people start to focus on mobile?" When it comes to this subject matter, many people will tell you that mobile focus works in tandem with the growth of smartphones. It wasn't that long ago that smartphones developed into the devices we see them as today. Instead of being devices we use solely for communication, they are our collective way to access entertainment and information alike. This might be where mobile design became more of a priority.

"When it comes to Internet access via smartphones, what are the stats?" Perhaps the most important stat offered by names like Lounge Lizard is one third. The reason for this is that this is how much Internet access is done through iPhones, Android devices and other smartphones. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't be far-fetched to see smartphones gain more of the market as time goes on. It'll be one of many developments that website design companies will observe.

"Can I make my site run smoother on mobile devices?" Yes, there are ways that you can improve performance so that your site creates a smoother experience for each user. However, you have to be willing to put in the work. For example, if you have many images or videos on your site, you can compress their sizes so that they don't take as long to process. You may even want to take them out of the picture entirely if you can afford to do so. This will help performance on smartphones and tablets alike.

"Are there any setbacks to keeping mobile development away?" When it comes to the setbacks in question, perhaps the most serious is the loss of SEO influence. Google, as well as other search engines, treat mobile-friendly sites as more reputable. As a result, they're likely to rank higher, which is a great benefit for both small and large establishments alike. This is one of the biggest reasons why you shouldn't keep mobile development away.

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Thursday 17 August 2017

Website Design Companies: The Do's & Don'ts To Know Regarding Mobile Design

By Arthur Williams

In simplest terms, it's smart for a website to be made with various platforms in mind. This is the key idea behind mobile design, which greatly benefits handheld devices like tablets and smartphones. What you may not know is that this endeavor can be done in both right and wrong ways. For those that are either looking to start or join existing web design companies, here are a few essential do's and don'ts to be mindful of.

DO keep things simple. The first rule of mobile design is to keep things as simple as possible without compromising what makes your site special. This is one of the many endeavors that a trusted website development company can carry out. By eliminating taxing elements like photos and videos in favor of text, sites will load and function better on various platforms. This is just one of many tips that the likes of Lounge Lizard can offer.

DON'T think that your images shouldn't be scalable. As a matter of fact, in the modern world of web design, keeping your images scalable is essential. Not only does this help the images in question adapt to platforms ranging from computers to tablets, but they help make websites look better as well. When an image extends beyond a site's borders, for example, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Research scalable vector graphics, or SVGs, if you'd like to learn more.

DO add icons. Not only are icons easy on the eyes, depending on how they're designed, but they can be rather intuitive as well. Keep in mind that there's only so much space on smartphone and tablet screens, meaning that designers must use tricks. Icons are big enough to tap with a simple press of the button, but they aren't too large to where they take away from the rest of the site. This is yet another rule of mobile design to follow.

DON'T forget to test your mobile site prior to its launch. Despite the amount of work that goes into developing a mobile-friendly website, errors stand the chance of occurring. Even if they're as simple as links that must be fixed, these problems stick out like sore thumbs. Fortunately, you can correct such errors before your site is launched. The more vigilant you are of technical hiccups like this, the better an experience your site will provide.

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