Tuesday 4 June 2013

Getting Started With CCG Games

By Michelle Howe

Card games these days go far beyond what can be played with a simple standard deck. While it will never go out of style to sit down to play poker or blackjack with a group of friends, more complex options are gaining popularity. If you are interested in learning more about what is out there, checking out CCG games is a great way to get started.

CCG stands for Collectible Card Game, and usually refers to a game that can be played by purchasing or assembling a deck of specialized cards that are produced around a certain theme. Sometimes these decks come pre-assembled, and sometimes they must be put together individually by buying single cards. Frequently, players can start with the former, then add or take away cards until it is precisely how they want it.

The theme of any particular CCG may be something that was created especially for that game itself. This is true of games such as Magic: The Gathering. With these, the story and characters were written for the purpose of being included here, and do not come from an outside source.

There are plenty of options that do draw their inspiration from previously existing situations and characters, however. Titles based on Star Trek, Marvel superheroes, and World of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment's online game, are examples of existing properties that have CCGs based on television shows, comics, and video games respectively. Creators must be careful when using these types of themes that their creations do not stray too far outside of existing fiction.

Specific rules will vary according to what game is being played, but you can usually count on a few things being similar no matter what. Generally, game play takes place in phases, which cycle through preparation and execution of moves and strategies according to what type of cards a player is holding. Whatever the specific goal is for that game, all players attempt to reach it first, whether it be to take out all competition or simply to secure another winning condition before anyone else.

Numerous tournaments exist that are devoted to this type of competition, and many of them are quite large, especially for the more popular titles. Therefore, while it is definitely possible to enjoy a game with just a few friends, players can also get to a skill level that allows them to pursue larger-scale play. The tournaments themselves can range in size from small local affairs to huge international conventions.

If money or time is a concern, the online option offered by many of these games is quite attractive. Assembling a virtual deck can still get pricey, but it is usually easier to keep under control. Even better, the convenience of not having to physically seek out matches means that it is much easier to find a game whenever you like.

If you enjoy collecting things, and especially if you love gaming, then CCG games can provide a fun and challenging way to test your skills. Whether it is online or in person, you can try it out at your convenience. You may even find that you are good enough to become a true champion someday!

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